Jamie frazer
Jamie frazer

jamie frazer

Yes! It’s a whole journey in the first few episodes, where he comes to terms with the fact that Claire’s really gone, and finds a will and a way to live. STARZ From what I understand, you modeled Jamie’s journey on the stages of grief? It’s really hard to lose someone and find a way to go on. But it’s more his journey, what’s happened to him, about what he’s gone through. A little gray hair, prosthetics on my forehead, a little eyework. I disagree with you, actually! On screen, obviously, Jamie does age very well, but I could show you a list of everything we’ve done to him, everything the make-up artists have done. For someone who is supposed to be 20 years older, you’ve aged well. Yes! It’s nice to be wearing something more genteel than a kilt. Here, find out how Heughan took on the challenge of an ever-changing Jamie. Yet while he may take on different guises, he's always a wanted man-in more ways than one.

Jamie frazer mac#

“I really feel like every episode has been a mini-movie,” actor Sam Heughan told, “and episode four is like Downton Abbey.” When we caught up with the actor in his trailer on the Outlander set in Cape Town, South Africa, he took us through his process of portraying Jamie Fraser as the Dun Bonnet (the rebel outlaw), Mac Dubh (the leader of men in Ardsmuir Prison), and Alex MacKenzie (the groom at Helwater). Who is Jamie Fraser now? The man we knew from seasons one and two of Outlander has gone through a monumental shift after losing the love of his life, and in every episode of this season so far, he’s almost been a different character, with a new name and a new life.

Jamie frazer